Order Pickup Policy

When your order is ready for pickup, you’ll receive a notification email with a location map, pickup hours, and instructions for when you arrive.

Our facility’s pickup location and hours are:

Ground Control 
1736 16th Street, Suite E,
Oakland, CA 94607
Monday to Friday, 11 AM to 5 PM

When you arrive please ring the bell at the gate.  Upon your arrival our team will ask for your order number and grab your order for you.  

Lead Times:

All pickup orders are subject to a minimum 24hr lead time.  When your order is ready you will receive an email stating it is ready for pickup.  

30 Day Pickup Hold

Customer orders not picked up within 30 days of the pickup notification email’s send date will be automatically refunded and subject to a 15% restocking fee.

If you are no longer able to pickup your order and would like to have your items shipped instead, please email orders@groundcontrol.coffee for assistance.